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07 September 2021
Mantrac Tanzania is excited to share news about Technicians for Africa graduation
We commemorate 95 years of Caterpillar, which started in 1925 with the joining of Holt Cat…
Mantrac customers are among the many who have benefitted from the app.
The new TRS6 and TRS8 models allow attached work tools (including buckets, forks, grapples…
See how Emmanuel Techie and Desmond Konadu, two Cat-certified technicians, partnered with…
Caterpillar® has launched an online Customer COVID-19 Resource Center to provide the lates…
Many countries are still reliant on diesel as their main source of power generation. This…
The Cat 426F2 Backhoe Loader has received a Mantrac customer's approval on price, reliabil…
Cat's Technicians for Africa website offers online learning opportunities in English, Fren…
Mantrac shares a message from Caterpillar in these uncertain times. We want to ensure you…
With the new era of mining technology driving efficiency across the world's mine sites, Mo…
Much of our business is concerned with large Caterpillar equipment. Increasingly, servicem…
In everything we strive for, we strive for excellence. Often, achievements are not the res…
Water is a fundamental human need that is unfortunately not readily available to all. It h…
Technology grants us the ability to develop and expand our business in many ways.
The coronavirus pandemic has profoundly disrupted the world of work. It's forced us all to…
We never know what kind of information might be useful to us when we face new and present…
Mantrac Vostok has learned from its long history that employees are crucial to the company…
Ghana had a strong start to the year as the team at the Mohamed L Mansour Component Rebuil…
When it comes to servicing customers, often we must rely on travel to get the job done. Bu…
Across Mantrac’s global operations, we have seen how different branches of the company hav…
This is the inspiring story of Hope Emmanuel Frank, a 15-year-old from Nigeria with dreams…
Mantrac was contacted by the Suez Canal Authority to provide support for their rescue oper…
In this Mantrac Heroes article we look at a more extreme version of the isolation we have…
Safety has always been a hot topic in the mining industry and over the years, there has be…
With COVID-19 disrupting daily life and work throughout Kenya in 2020, it made equipment r…
As part of our mission to be good corporate citizens in the markets in which we operate, M…
Mantrac Tanzania has gone the extra mile to support the Cat Technicians for Africa (T4A) p…
位于坦桑尼亚马拉省北部的巴里克金矿,遭遇了几起意外事故、疲劳事件和伤害造成的计划外停机。了解 Mantrac 如何几乎完全消除了此问题。
Mantrac 交付了一套发电机组供电解决方案,以支持埃及 Cairo 3A 的家禽经营。
Tazama 管道公司需要升级其从坦桑尼亚到赞比亚 1,800 公里长的管道运营。了解 Mantrac 如何将石油运输时间缩短 50%。
Mantrac 在埃及马萨阿拉姆郊区为旅游投资公司 Future Group Travel 设计并建造了最先进的 15 兆瓦太阳能发电厂。
Mantrac 设计了一套完全由太阳能驱动的海水淡化和净化系统,该系统成本效益高,维护成本低。
Artumas 集团与 Mantrac 合作,为坦桑尼亚姆特瓦拉和林迪的 190 万人提供了更多电力供应,并实现了经济增长。
埃及苏伊士饮用水和污水管理局请 Mantrac 帮助解决废物管理问题。
埃及苏伊士饮用水和污水管理局请 Mantrac 帮助解决废物管理问题。Learn how me overcame the challenges to exceed targets.
尽管新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情带来了诸多挑战,但 Mantrac 依然按时并且在预算范围内,在客户未开发的现场交付了全包发电厂解决方案。
Mantrac 成功地为该项目的初始阶段供应了应急柴油发电机。由于出色的交付,Mantrac 还受托负责该项目第 2 阶段的工作。
在为伊拉克的一个油田打造强大的发电机组解决方案时,解决了非标准尺寸问题,并且整合了来自 4 个国家/地区的 12 个组件。
Mantrac 为埃及的 Disoucu 油气田实施了针对发电厂的整体解决方案,同时将现场的风险降到最低。
这家领先的发电租赁公司过去一直在使用非 Cat 制造商的零件。为了提高售后市场的销售额,他们决定来找我们。以下是我们如何帮助的。
尼日利亚的塑料生产厂 Ethylene Products and Lubricants Ltd. 自豪地表示,任何事情都不会改变他们继续与我们进行 20 年长期合作的决定。
Solid Rock Investments Ltd. 是利比里亚的一家建筑公司,他们在选择机器和供应商之前考虑了许多因素。以下描述了我们如何满足他们的标准并超越他们的期望。
这家建筑公司在坦桑尼亚农村地区运营,其负责人自 1999 年起就开始使用我们的 Cat® 机器。以下描述了我们多年来如何实现该公司的期望。
了解 Mantrac 如何帮助 Agyapaddo Construction Ltd. 在不需要大量资本投资的情况下,获得他们认为过于昂贵的全新 Cat® 机器。
肯尼亚 Elemech Engineering 公司需要进行频繁的维护,包括以很短的时间间隔更换发动机油。了解我们是如何帮助他们克服这一问题的。
Golden Veroleum 是利比里亚的一家致力于可持续和负责任生产的油棕开发公司。Mantrac 是该公司在高效实现生产效率目标方面的合作伙伴。